Saturday, August 20, 2022

8 Unique Diet Plans

 8 Unique Diet Plans

Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health, or physical fitness, refers to a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat, or adipose tissue. This can occur due to voluntary causes like diets and exercise, or involuntary causes like undernourishment or illness.

The recommended way to lose weight is to make adjustments to your diet, while simultaneously following a workout regime. If you do only one of them, it won't show much improvement, as eating right and exercising well go hand in hand.

Some people don't focus much on keeping a proper diet plan and think that only exercising will cause weight loss. But, a diet plan is as important as your work-out regime, as it controls your calorie intake according to the calories burnt, so you can achieve your weight goals faster.

Your weight loss diet will depend on a number of factors, like your gender, age, work-out plan, your metabolism rate, and more. So, it is recommended that you consult a dietician or a nutritionist rather than relying on other sources, as it won't be effective, and sometimes may even be harmful.

Nevertheless, here are 5 unique diet plans followed by people that you can read about:

1. The Cotton Ball Diet

Yes, you read it right. People go to insane lengths when it comes to weight loss. The cotton ball diet is no less. A person on this diet would ingest cotton balls. Like for real! This strange diet involves soaking up to 4-5 cotton balls in juice before swallowing them in hopes of curbing hunger.

Cotton balls may have zero calories and may be bite-sized, but they have dangerous medical repercussions. To make things worse, this diet can deprive the person of nutrients. In such a state, the skin and hair suffer too.

2. The Cabbage Soup Diet

The cabbage soup diet may not sound as bizarre as the previous diet, but if you like variety, then this diet is definitely not for you.

On this 7-day meal plan, you are bound to lose weight as it is a low-calorie and low-fat diet. But keep in mind, it is low in nutrition too. Not only can it malnourished your body, but it's bland and this makes it harder to stay on this diet, leading to self-doubt and self-hate.

3. The Baby Food Diet

Come on, you aren't a baby anymore. An average woman must consume 1500 calories a day while an average man should consume 2000 calories a day, making this diet plan a bad idea as it not only brings down the normal intake requirements but also lacks in fibers needed for digestion. The baby food diet calls for little to no chewing at all, which can cause dental problems too.

4. Tongue Patch Diet

Don't even think about it! It's one of those scary procedures doctors conduct to make money and promote unhealthy methods of weight loss.

According to ABC News, a doctor in Venezuela has done 800 of these procedures which involve sewing a patch of plastic mesh onto their tongues. The patch makes it difficult to eat or swallow once attached.

The procedure comes with an 800-calorie diet for a day that includes only liquids until the patch comes off.

5. HCG Diet

The HCG Diet has been around for years. Its protocol is a 500-calorie-per-day diet combined with injections of a drug called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This injection is actually a fertility drug that is extracted from pregnant women's urine.

This diet has many supporters but like all crazy diet plans, this one too has side effects - fatigue, irritability, and depression. Not to mention, swelling of the breasts in men.

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5 Ways to Lose Weight for You Who Love to Eat

5 Ways to Lose Weight for You Who Love to Eat

When looking for a way to lose weight, many people use how to reduce the portion of a meal, or even reducing the number of meals. In fact, there are the type of person who likes or hooked. For people like this, restricting food is torture and it becomes difficult to do.

How to lose weight if you like to eat

1. Eat small plates sharing

Packed with small plates can keep you can eat the foods you love, but with fewer servings. Researchers at the University of Groningen found that 70% of the plates that look full, it is more popular while eating.

So, using small plates might make as if your plate is full. But if left to the plate normal portions a little more. It can also trim the excess caloric intake. You can eat great numbers without having to make the needle move towards the right scales.
2. Choose carbohydrates containing plenty of fiber, such as whole wheat

While fulfilling the desires of the self who always want to eat, it's good You slowly replace the carbohydrates you with food made from whole wheat (whole wheat). Try to replace the everyday staple foods such as white rice or fresh bread, whole wheat bread and rice with red.

Food made from wheat and grains are safe if eaten in great numbers. In addition, the fiber in oats can make your body's satiety durable, so it can be a powerful way to lose weight.

3. Replace sugary foods with a healthier alternative to other

Reducing sugar is one of the rules that must be applied as a method of losing weight. For those of you who love the hobby and packed, this may prove difficult.

But no need to worry, you can still eat sugary foods by replacing sugar with natural sweeteners such as stevia sweetener from the leaves.

Plant stevia natural sweetener it is sugar free and contains zero calories, suitable for diabetics and for those of you who are on a diet. In addition, the leaves of stevia have content of taste sweeter than sugar, so fit, healthy and safe for those of you who like to eat sugary foods.

4. Drink two glasses of water before eating

Drink water as much as 2 glasses before a meal can help you feel fuller while eating. Drinking water is another way to eat less and lose weight. According to some research, the habit of drinking enough water before eating it managed to reduce the weight of the body on fat people.

5. Multiply protein foods in the daily menu

One of the ways this one is quite powerful to lose weight and build muscle mass of the body. Foods that contain protein such as red meat, chicken, milk, whey protein, and is an essential nutrient in maintaining muscle while you're trying to lose fat, so as not to cause a thin body with excess fat.

The experts also recommended to set meal times every 3-4 hours. It is aimed at keeping blood sugar levels steady and keep your body stay healthy.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

6 Little Known Facts About Breast Cancer

6 Little Known Facts About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a major concern for both men and women in the United States. People are well-aware of the dangers, thanks to the breast cancer awareness movement. Some women are proactively seeking screenings to detect cancer early on and are adopting healthier lifestyles to help prevent it. Those who are diagnosed with the illness can resort to alternative cancer treatment options. Alternative cancer treatment centers offer different forms of integrative medicine, including chelation therapy and ozone therapy.

If you are interested in learning more about this disease in order to safeguard yourself, then you will find the following tidbits to be informative.

Second Most Common Cancer

Did you know that in the U.S., breast cancer is the second most common cancer found in women? It is also the second highest cause of cancer-related deaths in women of all ethnicities and races. Unfortunately, a lot of people are unaware of the risks, which are increased by poor lifestyle choices. If you were diagnosed with this type of cancer, you can consult with a physician at an alternative cancer treatment center. He or she will advise you of diet and lifestyle changes needed to improve your condition.

It's an Epidemic

This dangerous disease is on the rise, especially for American women. Numbers reveal that there will be 230,000 new invasive breast cancer cases in America this year. About 39,000 of those women will die from the illness. What's more inspiring is that there are over 2.5 million survivors of breast cancer in the U.S. It's proven that early detection is key for surviving the disease. Death rates for this type of disease have decreased over the past couple of decades. Women younger than 50 are showing the biggest signs of improvement.

Your Genes Play a Role

If you have a close blood relative, such as a mother, daughter or sister, who has had breast cancer, your risk of cancer doubles. However, it's also important to note that over 85 percent of patients have no family history of the disease. Unfortunately a lot of women over 40 skip annual screenings because they don't have a family history of the illness.

Men Are at Risk

This comes as a surprise to a lot of people because it is a topic that is rarely brought up in the media. However, it is true that men can develop this type of cancer. This year, it's estimated that there will be 2,100 new invasive breast cancer cases in men. About 450 is expected to die from the illness. The chances of a male developing this is 1 in 1,000. Although this number is small, men shouldn't downplay breast cancer as a possibility.

Benign Breast Lumps

A lot of women find lumps in their breasts, which turn out to be benign growths. This means they are non-cancerous. These turn out to be cysts, blood clots caused by a trauma, benign tumors like fibroadenomas, mastitis, nodules or scar issue. None of these have been linked to cancer.

There's No Age Limit

It's possible for both the young and old to develop breast cancer. However, the risk of it occurring increases as you grow older. According to the American Cancer Society, the risk of getting this disease at 20 years old is 1 in 1,760. At 30 years old, this increases to 1 in 229, then 1 in 69 at 40 years old and 1 in 29 at 60 years old. By the time you're 70, your risk increases to 1 in 27. The overall lifetime risk for breast cancer is 1 in 8.

Obtain Naturopathic Cancer Treatment

A holistic approach to breast cancer detection, treatment and prevention can be achieved with the assistance of an alternative cancer treatments physician.

[] medical health center is based out of Phoenix AZ and offers wide range of holistic integrative medical care to people of all ages. Our expert physicians are well respected within our industry to guide patients toward optimal health using the best of both naturopathic and conventional medicine solutions. Longevity medical is a leading prostate cancer facility in the USA.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

4 Natural Remedies That Work Effectively on Allergies and Sensitivities

 4 Natural Remedies That Work Effectively on Allergies and Sensitivities

Allergies and sensitivities of all types whether food, seasonal, chemical, environmental etc. can be a challenge to deal and cope with on a daily basis. It can affect how you function in your daily routine and can make life difficult. I believe in using natural ways to help stop the suffering without the worry about having an allergic reaction to a toxic chemical medication. The side effects of OTC or prescription medications can inhabit your ability to do daily tasks.

I know personally that taking medications can have some dramatic reactions. Taking a natural herbal remedy for those with allergies and sensitivities can even have a negative effect on some very sensitive individuals. Although an herbal remedy will not normally cause a traumatic reaction as compared to a prescription or even an over the counter drug.

But there are totally non-invasive natural remedies that work very effectively to reduce allergies symptoms and sometimes completely eliminate them.

Below are four alternative medicine and natural remedies for allergies and sensitivities that can give you a lot of relief. They have very positive effects on the body that not only relieve allergies symptoms but will help your body detoxify from pollutants, eliminate pain, muscle spasms, and many other health benefits.

1. Massage: A relaxing and soothing massage can have many health benefits. If your allergy symptoms cause sinus pressure and headaches, a thorough head massage can relief the throbbing pain in your head and neck. A massage can help to open up the nasal passage and clear up some of the drainage plus it will release endorphins that are natural pain killers and will help you feel better. It also helps support the immune system that will help your body fight the allergy symptoms and help strengthen your body.

2. Yoga: There are several yoga practices that may help to alleviate allergy symptoms, including runny noses and inflamed sinuses. Some of the breathing exercises can be very helpful. It should be noted, however, that the isolated use of yoga exercises and techniques will probably not offer instant relief. You need to engage in a regular yoga routine to enable your body to enjoy a healthier immune system.

3. Steam Bath & Hydrotherapy: The healing properties of water can have a cleansing effect on allergies. Steam treatments and hot baths can open the sinuses and provide relief from allergy symptoms. Taking a bath using essential oils can provide relief from allergies.

Make sure the bath is slightly warmer than body temperature. Add 8 drops of peppermint oil while the water is still running. Submerge much of the body into the water for about 20 minutes. Add water to keep the bath temperature warm. For a quick steam treatment, boil a pint of water with dried chamomile or yarrow, and inhale the steam until the water cools.

4. Acupuncture: Putting needles into you skin probably sounds scary and painful. But not to worry, from my own personal experience with acupuncture I can definitely verify that it does work and gives relief from sinus and allergy symptoms. Don't worry about the needles! They do not resembles a traditional needle, they are extremely thin and flexible and usually you don't even feel them. The benefits of acupuncture occur because it clears energy blockages and helps you have a more balanced state, which in turn enables your body to prevent the initial allergic reactionprevent the initial allergic reaction from occurring.

If your suffer from allergies of any type why not try some of these natural remedies that can help your body in so many ways. They improve your immune system and help you body fight off disease and illness. they help you detoxify from the many pollutants that we are in contact every day. Why not get on the road to health and wellness and improve your mind, body and spirit?

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7 Steps to Health: Reverse Your Diabetes

7 Steps to Health: Reverse Your Diabetes

Because high blood glucose levels make it difficult to stave off infection, a diabetic with a sore on their foot must be treated differently than a person without diabetes. The sore may be very slow to heal, if it heals at all. Infection often sets in. This can lead to gangrene and, in some cases, amputation.

2. This can be valuable information for anyone who has just been diagnosed as a diabetic and wants to discover which foods are more beneficial. While most diabetics will be told to avoid carbs, avoiding carbohydrates all together is not often feasible. For someone who thinks a candy bar is way worse than white bread, the Glycemic Index can be a real eye opener and can be a great way how to use the Glycemic Index for someone who is trying to discover which carbohydrates are safer than others.

3. The Glycemic Index is especially important to those who suffer from diabetes who need to watch their blood glucose. Diabetes have a difficult time breaking down glucose found in many carbohydrates and digesting them normally. This causes kidney and sometimes liver damage The effect of the glycemic index on the body is that it allows people to know which carbohydrates are the ones that can cause the most damage and those that break down easily in the system.

4. The Glycemic Index is an ideal tool for a woman who is thinking about becoming pregnant to use to determine which foods to avoid. The Glycemic Index was developed for diabetics to categorize carbohydrates for those with diabetes. When you become pregnant, follow the advice from your doctor regarding diet and exercise as well as any carbohydrate diets.

5. Sulfonylureas are one of the most popular drugs used to treat diabetes. There are several different types of this drug on the market, the most popular being Glucotrol. These drugs work by increasing the amount of insulin released from the pancreas. These drugs work well in lowering blood glucose levels but also run a risk of a person developing hypoglycemia.

6. Until a cure is found, however, there are many ways to treat this disease. When someone gets a diagnoses of diabetes, they often panic and are overwhelmed at all of the information. If you or a loved one is diagnosed with diabetes, become empowered by learning all you can about treating the illness, learning about different medications and making sure that you comply with orders given by your physician.

7. Most of the food that is grown today is from genetically modified (GMO)seed and is grown inorganically using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and ungicides.

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Joint Pain - Symptoms and Causes

Joint Pain - Symptoms and Causes 

Joint pain can be caused by too much activity, trauma, or improper movement. Injuries are a very common cause of joint pain in adults. These types of injuries can occur during vigorous activity or following a serious accident.

The most common causes of this type of pain usually result from overuse or excessive exertion of the joint. Overuse or over-stressing a joint is extremely common for athletes, professional athletes, and those involved in contact sports. Some examples of overuse injuries include sprains, tendonitis, bursitis, and muscle strains.

An accident-causing severe physical damage to one or more joints can also lead to joint pain and swelling. Common causes of this type of pain include trauma (e.g., fall, auto-accident), rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, tendon rupture, and congenital muscle disease.

Arthritis occurs when the cartilage cushioning the joints becomes dry, inflamed, brittle, and damaged. Common symptoms of arthritis include stiffness, swelling, and clicking or crepitus in the joint. No matter what the cause, joint pain is sometimes unavoidable.

In addition to seeking medical treatment, there are many lifestyle changes you can make to relieve the pain and prevent further damage. One of the common causes of joint pain is age. As people get older, their bodies change. Because of this, many doctors recommend lifestyle and exercise changes to help the body function properly and decrease the risk of joint pain complications later in life.

Some of the most common causes of joint pain can be attributed to aging. The cartilage cushioning the ends of the bones changes as we age. This can lead to the formation of bone spurs, which are very painful. While bone spurs are usually temporary, they can cause permanent damage and pain in later years.

As people get older, they should also take care to watch their diets and exercise. Another reason for joint pain can be infection and inflammation. An infection can occur in any of several areas of the body. Most commonly, infections occur in joint areas. An infection can develop through a variety of means such as an injury, viral diseases, or even poor nutrition. A common symptom of an infection or inflammation is joint pain and swelling.

Of the most common causes of joint pain, arthritis is the most prevalent. Arthritis occurs when the cartilage protecting the ends of the bones wears down due to age or some type of trauma. As cartilage deteriorates, the bones can then rub together, causing severe pain and stiffness. Common symptoms of arthritis include stiffness around the knee, ankles, and other joints.

Another type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear on the cartilage that surrounds the joints. Osteoarthritis can lead to a lot of joint pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Other forms of arthritis can include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Any of these conditions can cause joint pain and discomfort, but in some cases the symptoms will go away as the condition improves. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

There are many common causes of arthritis. These common causes are usually related to common everyday activities like walking, running, or participating in athletic events. Rushing, jumping, and throwing sports can cause severe wear on the cartilage and bones in the joints. These activities can also lead to an increase in osteoarthritis if they are not properly handled.

If you have joint pain and have tried everything you can think of, there are a few treatments you can use to ease your symptoms. There are medications that can be taken to relieve pain, but sometimes these treatments can cause side effects that may limit your enjoyment of life. Other treatments can involve surgery and other invasive procedures that will help you regain function and alleviate pain.

Your medical history and an examination by your doctor are the best ways to determine possible causes of your pain.

Your medical history should tell you about any past illnesses or injuries that may have been affecting your joints. Your medical history can also reveal important information about your lifestyle and any patterns of poor health that may be contributing to your pain. By knowing all of the possible causes of your joint pain, you will be able to make an informed decision about the treatment that is best for you.

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Monday, August 15, 2022

3 Tips To Stop Hair Loss Naturally While Promoting Rapid Hair Growth

3 Tips To Stop Hair Loss Naturally While Promoting Rapid Hair Growth.

Is there anything that can be done to stop hair loss and promote hair growth naturally?

If you are losing your hair and you are asking the above question, then you are at the right place at the right time. You are about to discover some simple but proven tips and remedies that you can start applying today to stop hair loss and promote hair growth in the shortest time possible as your genetics will allow.

You see, hair loss is a problem that many people face today. It is caused by a variety of reasons and so what works for you may not work for someone else and what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. However, in my experience, the best way to combat hair loss and speed up hair growth is to attack the problem both internally and externally.

What Do I Mean By Internally And Externally?

Well, most people think that they can just apply some topical solutions to their head to see results but that's not true. I'd say, more than 80% of your hair growth has to do with what you put or don't put inside your body.

For example, if you are not getting enough zinc or iron from your diet, you can have a zinc or iron deficiency which can lead to hair loss. You also need to get the right vitamins and minerals and proteins to supply the hair follicles with nutrients so that they can grow.

In short, to get your full head of hair back, you need to do a combination of things for the best results. I have listed 3 categories of things that you need to do below.

1. An Ounce Of Prevention is Better Than A Pound OF Cure

That's a common Benjamin Franklin axiom that rings through as it relates to hair loss and hair regrowth. What this means is that you should avoid doing things that may speed up your hair loss problem. For example, avoid using curling irons, hairdryers, and only use 100% organic and natural products in your hair.

You should also make sure to keep your hair clean as dirt and grease can clog your follicles and stunt growth.

2. Supply Your Hair With Adequate Nutrition

It is a known fact that we'll never get all the vitamins and minerals we need from just the food we eat on a daily basis. We would have to graze of fruits and vegetables 24/7 to even come close. Even then, you'd reach a point when you are full and just cannot eat anymore.

So what's the solution?

You can take an effective all-natural supplement that has been standardized to contain all the vitamins and minerals you need in the right dosages for hair growth. There are quite a few effective ones on the market, just make sure to do adequate research before you spend your hard-earned cash on a product that may be useless.

3. Treat Your Hair With The Right Products

Starting with your shampoo and conditioner, make sure to use ones that are chemical-free, paraben-free, and doesn't contain any dyes, sulfates, synthetic fillers, and preservatives. Try to use larger tooth combs as the smaller ones can put too much strain on your hair and pull them from the roots.


Depending on the source of your hair loss, making a few changes can remedy the problem. Just ensure that you are getting the right vitamins and minerals and using the best products in your hair while taking extra care not to do things or use products that can worsen the problem.

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Sunday, August 14, 2022

5 Tips to Help You Purchase Beauty Products Online5 Tips to Help You Purchase Beauty Products Online

5 Tips to Help You Purchase Beauty Products Online

If you want to purchase beauty products at your nearby retail stores, you should be ready to spend a lot of time and effort. In most cases, purchasing beauty products take a lot of time as there are a lot of crazy customers, several stores, and a lot of choices. Nowadays, you don't have to get out of your house and look for the best store to get the best deal. In other words, if you have access to your mobile phone, you can just go ahead and place your order on an online store. In this article, we have 5 tips that can help you purchase beauty products from the comfort of your home. Read on to find out more.

Use Websites and Apps

The beauty of online stores is that most of them have old-fashioned websites. In these large marketplaces, there are have thousands of products to purchase. If you want to use these stores, you need to use the filters in order to narrow down your search. So, we suggest that you look for a good website that makes use of the latest technology.

Mobile apps are a good alternative to traditional websites. They can help you take a look at hundreds of products at a glance. So, you can install these apps to make a good choice.

Read Product Ratings and Reviews

Reading customer reviews and ratings is a great idea if you want to find out customers' opinions about your favorite product. Make sure that you look for a reliable website instead of just depending on Amazon reviews.

For example, you can check out Trustpilot as this is one of the best websites when it comes to genuine reviews. After all, you cannot make your decision based on fake reviews.

Search for your Desired Product on Pinterest

Some people head to Pinterest in order to take a look at photos of beauty products. As a matter of fact, this is one of the best platforms if you are looking for your desired product at a glance. Apart from this, you can also find photos of people that use your desired products. As a matter of fact, many celebrities post their photos on Pinterest.

Understand the Ingredients

When it comes to skincare products, we suggest that you get to know the ingredients on the label. You may want to read up on each ingredient to find out if it can benefit you. For example, if you have dry skin, we suggest that you don't go for a cream that contains peroxide. Using this type of solution can cause excessive skin dryness.

Understand the Ingredients

When it comes to skincare products, we suggest that you get to know the ingredients on the label. You may want to read up on each ingredient to find out if it can benefit you. For example, if you have dry skin, we suggest that you don't go for a cream that contains peroxide. Using this type of solution can cause excessive skin dryness.

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